(CNN) — A ninth-grade student was in custody Saturday and charged with murder after he allegedly shot a classmate in the back of the head at their northern Alabama middle school, authorities said.

Several months ago I posted a blog concerning the redneck solution to our handgun problems in America. Statistics in the entire United Kingdom showed 91 deaths by a gun in 2007, only 51 in 2008, in Japan there was all of 3. The United States averages over 30,000 gun related deaths per year! What is the redneck solution? Everyone owns a gun. Remember the guy in the shopping mall who shot some eight people? If everyone owned a handgun, how many would it have been two, three tops. The Virginia Tech shooting? The same two, three, maybe four killed.

Now if the whole point in owning a handgun is for protection, and the redneck solution is EVERYONE should own one, what happens to one of the most important groups – our children? How will they protect themselves? How can we send them off to school without the protection of being armed as in our warm home sweet home?

That’s right! Expand the category. Spread the wealth of knowledge and security to all the family and arm the children as well. However this may get a bit expensive and sometimes children can be a little absent-minded and forgetful. We wouldn’t want them leaving a handgun on the bus or forgetting it at the mall. That would be no good at all.

So, rather than waste tax dollars on useless computers, and advanced technology that might bring our children out of the redneck dark-ages, we spend that money on a handgun for every child. That’s right, each day the student arrives at school, he or she picks up her handgun and carries it to class. We could even get rid of all those pesky metal detectors. That would save millions of education dollars nationwide.

With all the influence the NRA has on legislation in this country, maybe we could get them to donate the handguns to the school systems. That would be great public relations and could get rid of all those “Saturday night specials” floating around. When the student becomes a senior the principal and school superintendent could present them with the handgun they have carried and cared for all those years giving that student a great start in life, you know, not having to buy their first weapon.